Emergency Medicine is a new specialty in Myanmar. It was recognized as a specialty subject in 2014 by Myanmar Medical Council (MMC). It was developed as a need for 27th South East Asian Games emergency management. The first training program of Emergency Medicine was started in 2012 in University of Medicine (1) Yangon and conferred Postgraduate Diploma of Emergency Medicine Degree to eighteen already specialist doctors from different specially subjects such as Orthopedics, General Surgery, Anesthesia, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. That program was supported by Royal Australasian Collage of Surgeons (RACS) and Australasian Collage of Emergency Medicine (ACEM). The first master degree course for Emergency Medicine was started at University of Medicine (1) Yangon in 2015. In 2018, Department of Emergency Medicine started to become a member of University of Medicine (2) Yangon. Master degree training program has been started since 2019.