Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of:
Basic surgical principle
Common surgical disorders and injury encountered in this country
Common surgical emergencies
Acquired and demonstrate skills in:
History taking and clinical examination for the diagnosis of common surgical disorders and injuries
Interpreting results of relevant investigations
Performing basic surgical procedures
Delivering health education emphasizing preventive aspects of traumatic and surgical disorders
Foster the development of correct attitude in:
Patient management and care using available resources.
Providing community health care
Continuing medical education, self directed learning and basic research
Observing moral and legal codes of medical ethics
Interpersonal relationships and cooperation with other sectors.
Recognizing surgical and nonsurgical condition that require appropriate and prompt referral.
Third MBBS Courses (Year III)
Duration of the course
Total four and half months, three sub groups rotated in Surgical Unit, Thingangyun SPH, Surgical Unit, NOGH and surgical units of Insein General Hospital.
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching hours – 216 hours. (Introductory Lectures, Small Group Bed-side teaching, Demonstration, Lectures), General Surgery, Orthopaedics and Urosurgery
A completion test on clinical methods, theory and OSCE at the end of 3rd year Surgery Posting which will contribute 6 to final part II class work total 30.
Final part I MBBS Course (Year IV)
Duration of the course
Total eight weeks, each group is taught in Surgical Units of NOGH.
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching hours – 120 hours. (Small Group Bed-side teaching, Demonstration, Lectures) of General Surgery.
A completion test on clinical methods and OSCE at the end of the course Final Part I Surgery Posting which will contribute 4 to final part II class work total 30.
Final Part II MBBS Course (Year V)
Duration of the course.
twelve weeks
Programme structure for year V ( Final Part II)
Morning Teaching Programme
Two weeks each in Eye, ENT and Anaesthesia departments.
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching hours – 120 hours (Bed side small group teaching, Demonstration, Lectures)
Morning Teaching Programme
Morning didactic lectures are given 3 hours per week, throughout the course. Lecture topics are mainly systemic surgery, surgical pathology and operative surgery.
Summative assessment
A completion test on Eye, ENT and Anaesthesia at the end of each posting respectively which will contribute 6 marks [2 Eye, 2 ENT, 2 Anaesthesia] to final part II class work 30.
Block Posting
Duration of the course
One and half months in Surgical Unit of Thingangyun SPH and Insein General Hospital and One and half months in Surgical units of NOGH.
A period of 12 weeks repeated 4 schedules per academic year are available for the final year and this amounts to approximately 300 hours per group of Block posted students. Ward postings are from 9a.m to 12 noon
Combined lectures and combined clinics are given in the evening session from 1 p.m to 4 p.m.
Class work
Third year class work contribution 6.
Final Part I, class work contribution 4.
Final Part II Pre Block class work contribution 6
Final Part II class work contribution 14.
(Total 30 to Final Part II final exam.)
Final Examination
At end of final part II, final examination which includes:
A. Two theory papers total score 40
OSCE examination total score 30
Class work(30) + Theory (40) + OSCE (30) = 100
Pass Mark: is 50%
Distinction is 75% in overall marking.
Cessation of study: There shall be two exams. each year at 6 monthly intervals, and three failures (3F) in the exams. means cessation of studies.
Internship/House-surgeon Training follows the passing of the final part II.
Prescribed Text books
1.Hamilton Bailey’s Demonstration of physical signs in clinical surgery,edited by Allan Clain, 17th edition
2.An Introduction to The Symptoms and Signs of Surgical disease,by Norman L. Browse, 3rd edition.
3.Clinical methods in Surgery (Including differential Diagnosis) by K. Das,edited by S.Das, 13th edition.
4.Bailey and Love’s Short Practice Surgery, edited by RCG Russel, 23rd edition.