1. Prof. Aye Tun Rector Chairperson University of Medicine 2, Yangon.
2. Prof. Htay Hla Pro- Rector Vice-Chairperson University of Medicine 2, Yangon
3. Pro-Rector Member University of Medicine 2, Yangon
4. Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw Director Member Yangon Region Health Department
5. Dr. Kyi Soe Medical Superintendent Member North Okkalapa General Hospital
6. Prof. San San Nwet Rector Member University of Pharmacy, Yangon
7. Prof. Shwe Toe Rector Member University of Dental Medicine, Yangon
8. Prof. Nu Nu Aye Professor & Head Member Department of Pharmacology
9. Prof. Aung Soe Professor & Head Member Department of Forensic Medicine
10. Daw Nant Yin Yin Win Assist: Head of Department,
(Administration & Finance)
Member University of Medicine 2, Yangon
11. Daw Naw Maureen Deputy Director (Academic) Member University of Medicine 2, Yangon
12. Daw Sandar Hlaing Head of Branch  (Admin) Member University of Medicine 2, Yangon
13. U Poe Tut Registrar Member
14. Head of Department,
(Administration &   Finance )
Secretary University of Medicine 2, Yangon


1.   To act in accordance with the rules, directives and orders relating to financial matters.
2.   To prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for students.
3.   To supervise matters relating to the estate.
4.   To supervise sports and cultural activities of students.
5.   To supervise and promote the health of the staff and students.
6.   To supervise hostel affairs.
7.   To recommend the granting of stipends and free tuition.